Building an End-to-End Data Engineering Pipeline in Azure: A Complete Guide

Mukund Pandey
7 min readFeb 10, 2024


In the age of big data, efficiently managing and extracting insights from vast amounts of information is a cornerstone of success for many businesses. Microsoft Azure offers a suite of services designed to handle every aspect of data engineering, from ingestion and storage to analysis and visualization. This guide delves into building an end-to-end data engineering pipeline in Azure, leveraging its powerful tools to create a seamless, scalable, and secure data ecosystem.

Project Overview of Pipeline

Data Pipeline Flow with Layered Data Lake Storage and Security Integration

Visualizing the data pipeline from the provided image, we can see a comprehensive journey of data as it travels through the Azure ecosystem, from its origins to the point of decision-making. Here’s an enriched description of each stage:

Ingestion: The pipeline begins with the extraction of new and updated data from an on-premises SQL Server Database. Azure Data Factory (ADF) is the workhorse here, seamlessly ingesting this data into Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. It’s a process designed for resilience and consistency, ensuring data freshness and accuracy.

Comprehensive Overview of Azure Data Services

To construct our pipeline, we’ll utilise the following Azure services:

  • Azure Data Factory: Automates data movement and transformation.
  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2: Offers scalable and secure data storage.
  • Azure Databricks: Provides a collaborative platform for big data processing and machine learning.
  • Azure Synapse Analytics: Integrates big data and data warehousing for analytics.
  • Azure Key Vault: Manages and safeguards cryptographic keys and secrets.
  • Azure Active Directory: Controls access with identity and access management.
  • Microsoft Power BI: Turns data into insightful visual analytics.

Architecting the Pipeline

Our pipeline architecture is designed to ingest, process, store, and visualise data efficiently.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

Step 1: Data Ingestion with Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Factory orchestrates the movement of data from diverse sources into Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. We define pipelines to automate the ingestion process, which can be triggered on a schedule or in response to events.

1.1) Prerequisites:

  • Terraform installed on your local machine.
  • An Azure subscription.
  • Azure CLI installed and configured or a Service Principal for Terraform to authenticate with Azure.

1.2) Set Up Terraform for Azure

  • Create a new directory for your Terraform configuration files. Inside this directory, create a file named This file will contain the Terraform configuration.

1.3) Configure the Azure Provider

  • In, start by configuring the Azure provider:
provider "azurerm" {
features {}

1.4) Define the Azure Data Factory

  • Add the following configuration to to create an Azure Data Factory:
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
name = "example-resources"
location = "East US"

resource "azurerm_data_factory" "adf" {
name = "example-datafactory"
location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
resource_group_name =

Replace "example-resources" and "example-datafactory" with your desired resource group and data factory names.

1.5) Create a Linked Service to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

  • To create a linked service, you’ll need to define it in Terraform:
resource "azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_data_lake_storage_gen2" "example" {
name = "example-datalake-linked-service"
data_factory_id =
resource_group_name =
url = "https://${var.data_lake_storage_account_name}"
use_managed_identity = true
  • You will need to declare and initialize the data_lake_storage_account_name variable in your Terraform configuration or replace ${var.data_lake_storage_account_name} with your Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account name.

1.6) Define Other Resources as Needed

  • Continue defining other resources such as datasets, pipelines, Azure Databricks workspaces, Azure Synapse Analytics workspaces, etc., using similar Terraform resources. Each Azure service typically has a corresponding Terraform resource.

1.7) Initialize and Apply Your Terraform Configuration

  • Initialize Terraform in your project directory by running:
terraform init
  • Apply your configuration to create the resources in Azure:
terraform apply

Terraform will prompt you to review the planned actions and ask for confirmation before proceeding.

Using Terraform for Azure resource management provides a flexible, declarative approach to infrastructure as code. It simplifies the process of provisioning, updating, and managing the lifecycle of Azure resources for data engineering pipelines. Remember to review the Terraform documentation for Azure for detailed information on configuring each resource type and managing your infrastructure efficiently.

Step 2: Data Processing with Azure Databricks

Azure Databricks facilitates the processing and transformation of raw data into a format suitable for analysis. We leverage Spark jobs within Databricks notebooks for this purpose.

Detailed Notebook Example:

# Read raw data from Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
raw_data_df ="csv").option("header", "true").load("/mnt/raw_data/data.csv")

# Data transformation example: Clean data and create a new column
processed_data_df = raw_data_df.filter(raw_data_df["column1"] != 'null').withColumn("newColumn", raw_data_df["column1"] * 2)

# Write the processed data back to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 in Parquet format

Step 3: Data Warehousing with Azure Synapse Analytics

Once processed, the data is structured and loaded into Azure Synapse Analytics for optimized querying and analysis.

SQL Script for Creating and Loading Data:

-- Create a table in Azure Synapse Analytics
CREATE TABLE ProcessedDataTable (
Column1 INT,
NewColumn INT

-- Example of loading data from Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 into the table
COPY INTO ProcessedDataTable
FROM 'https://<datalake>'

Step 4: Security and Management

Azure Key Vault and Azure Active Directory play crucial roles in managing access and securing sensitive information throughout the pipeline.

4.1) Set Up Azure Key Vault with Terraform

First, define the Azure Key Vault and a secret within it. Replace placeholders with your actual values or variables as appropriate.

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example_rg" {
name = "example-resources"
location = "East US"

resource "azurerm_key_vault" "example_kv" {
name = "exampleKeyVault"
location = azurerm_resource_group.example_rg.location
resource_group_name =
tenant_id = var.tenant_id
soft_delete_enabled = true
purge_protection_enabled = false
sku_name = "standard"

access_policy {
tenant_id = var.tenant_id
object_id = var.service_principal_object_id

key_permissions = [

secret_permissions = [

storage_permissions = [

resource "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "example_secret" {
name = "ExampleSecret"
value = "s3cr3tValue"
key_vault_id =

You need to replace var.tenant_id and var.service_principal_object_id with your Azure AD tenant's ID and the object ID of the service principal or user that needs access to the Key Vault, respectively.

4.2) Set Up Azure Active Directory with Terraform

The following example demonstrates creating an Azure AD application and service principal. These entities can be used for authentication and authorization in applications and Azure services.

resource "azuread_application" "example_app" {
display_name = "exampleApplication"

resource "azuread_service_principal" "example_sp" {
application_id = azuread_application.example_app.application_id

resource "azuread_service_principal_password" "example_sp_password" {
service_principal_id =
value = "random-password"
end_date = "2023-01-01T01:02:03Z"

This code creates an application in Azure AD, a service principal for the application, and a password for the service principal. You’ll need to replace "random-password" with a secure password of your choosing and adjust the end_date as needed.

4.3) Integrating Key Vault and AAD for Pipeline Security

To integrate Azure Key Vault and Azure Active Directory with your data pipeline, you would use the service principal to authenticate to Azure services and access secrets stored in Azure Key Vault. For instance, your Azure Data Factory or Azure Databricks can use this service principal to securely access storage accounts, databases, or other services without hard-coding credentials in your scripts or notebooks.

This setup ensures that your data engineering pipeline in Azure is secure and managed efficiently. Access to sensitive information is controlled through Azure Key Vault, and Azure Active Directory manages permissions and access control, ensuring that only authorized entities can perform specific actions within your pipeline.

Remember, managing infrastructure as code with Terraform requires careful planning and understanding of each resource’s configuration options. Always review the latest documentation for Terraform providers and resources to ensure your configurations are up-to-date and secure.

Step 5: Visualisation with Microsoft Power BI

Finally, Power BI connects to Azure Synapse Analytics to create interactive reports and dashboards, making the insights accessible to business users.

Connecting Power BI to Azure Synapse Analytics:

  1. In Power BI Desktop, select “Get Data” > “Azure” > “Azure Synapse Analytics”.
  2. Provide the necessary connection details and select the data you wish to visualize.

Wrapping Up

This guide provides a roadmap for leveraging Azure’s data services to build a comprehensive data engineering pipeline. By following these steps and utilizing the provided code snippets, you can harness the power of Azure to transform raw data into actionable insights.

Remember, the specific implementations will vary based on your unique data requirements and business objectives. The flexibility of Azure’s services allows you to tailor the pipeline to meet those needs precisely.



Mukund Pandey
Mukund Pandey

Written by Mukund Pandey

Director of Data Engineering and Machine Learning

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